U.S. Youth Climate Strike


Nicole Desmond

On Friday, March 15, tens of thousands of students around the nation skipped school in demand for more action on climate change. The large turnout drew attention from the public. The strikes call for some form of the green new deal. The green new deal would be a complete transition to renewable energy by 2030. Similar youth strikes are planned in over 100 countries.

Major protests began last summer with teenager Greta Thunberg. Thunberg had given an attention drawing speech in December at the United Nations climate summit. She called out delegates and leaders for not doing more. “On Friday, Thunberg took part in a rally in Stockholm, where she called climate change an “existential crisis” that’s been “ignored for decades by those that have known about it. This week Thunberg was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize” (NPR).

Misinformation about climate change is a major issue in our country. President Donald Trump’s denial has contributed to the point of view of many Americans. “The climate strike might lose Republican-leaning, conservative students for the price of getting a good shot of the Green New Deal being implemented,” he said. “It’s a strategic issue.” (NBC News). The growing strikes show that students and young people are in this for the long haul.

For now, it’s too early to tell if the protests are going to create a major change in our government, but it’s certainly worth the try. Access to media and the internet have been a great contributor to spreading the word and obtaining information. The younger generation is having their voices heard in order to ensure a safe and healthy future for all.